Friday, July 15, 2011

Vocal Health

Your voice is a powerful but delicate instrument. With the right care, you can both protect your voice.  Vocal abuse is one of several factors that can cause significant irritation of the vocal cords and may cause your voice to have less agility, range and quality. Try some tender loving care on your voice; following home remedies you can helps you restore your central means of communication.

 Condition your voice

Try gargling, which helps assure that your voice is in the best possible condition. This is especially helpful if you happen to have a cold on the day you're presenting. A teaspoonful of salt and a teaspoonful of baking soda dissolved in a cup of warm water make a simple solution that will wash away phlegm, allergens, and other irritants. After you gargle, coat and soothe your throat with a cup of herbal tea or decaffeinated tea, with plenty of honey.


Soothe your vocal cords by inhaling steam. An easy remedy is to breathe the steam that comes from a bowl filled with hot water. A hot shower is also pretty relaxing.


Soothe throat irritation by drinking tea. An effective selection is ginger tea, as well as lemon selections.


Drinking plenty of water will keep your larynx moist. It is important to make sure that the water is warm or about room temperature – not overly hot or cold.

Limit Your Caffeine Intake

Since the caffeine found in coffee, tea, and cola drinks causes dehydration, it is suggested to limit your intake when you’ve lost your voice.

Pass on the Drink

Alcohol brings dehydrating effects to your throat, which can contribute to a long-term issue with your vocal cords.


Dry air can also result in dehydration. This is often encountered on airplanes, or in locations with low humidity. Since indoor heat removes moisture out of the air, using a humidifier or vaporizer can make room conditions much easier on the throat.


Ask someone to keep your living spaces free of dust, as this causes a room to become dry, which can worsen your throat problems.

Quit Smoking and Avoid Smokers

Your throat will take twice as long healing if you are a smoker. Kick the habit and enjoy the wealth of health improvements that follow. Even secondhand smoke can hinder your healing process, so if you live with a smoker, kindly ask that they smoke away from you to give your larynx time to recuperate.

Cough Drops

Try the honey or fruit-flavored cough drops. No minty or menthol because tends to dry out the throat.

Don’t Speak

It’s important to stay quiet while you’ve lost your voice. Talking strains your vocal cords and prolongs your road to recovery. And, whatever you do – don’t whisper. You probably never thought that whispering causes more stress on the vocal cords than a soft voice, but it does.

The best way to treat vocal irritation is to prevent it. Pay close attention to the care of your voice.
